attention veterinary pathology labs - here's your software!

Not just enterprise, a LIMs designed for independent labs 

Z Rex was founded by an independent vet path lab, giving a unique and unparalleled insights into the world of small business management and the independent lab's unique needs.

Workflows designed to ebb and flow with the actual work you do. 

Labs have many steps, designs, and approaches that can be batched or broken down, divided or completed together.  The workflows must accommodate that and in Z Rex, they do. 

Integrated billing, invoicing, merchant processing, and financial support

Not only can you track everything in Z Rex but then bill for it as needed! With invoicing, billing schedules, reminders, integrated merchant processing and more, Z Rex simplifies the money collection part significantly. 

Play nice with others - Integrate, communicate, and get the work done. 

Our software can be used by labs either independently or in connection with other lab solutions.  

Reporting Tools Pathologists LOVE

Fall in love with putting together diagnostic reports with a suite of elements that just make it not only work well, but causes you to sing while your doing it! Integrated digital pathology, voice and quick text expansion, past case lookup, quick view summaries, more and more... 

Unparalleled Sample Tracking Including Integrated Shipping

Vet path labs can now track every hand-off, where things pause, where things are stuck, and how much capacity they have and more without breaking a sweat. 

Built-in Customer Portal that makes you and your clients happy folks

Easy-to-use client portal for simple case submissions, Easy communication between staff and clients, Automatic updates and notifications for clients - all just waiting for you.

Interactive Demos for Independent Labs

This is an example experience - many things could be different for you depending on your needs and workflows but this at least gives you a taste. 

Case lifecycle
Billing & Performance
Includes Tools to Speed Up and Simplify 

These tools, features, and elements will greatly speed up your workflow as well as allow you to focus where you want.  

  • Multi-source Submission Options - Take in orders from an online portal (can be for external customers or internal labs and practitioners), via forms, API and various other options
  • Adjust the fields and info you want from submissions and during the work -You can fully customize the required and requested info, fields and data to be tracked, images files, and more. 
  • Barcode Support - Quick scan of samples to open views and start reporting work quickly
  • Digital Pathology Integrations - Options to link to Image viewers,  High-quality digital scans, and more
  • Automation Workflows Builder - Make common repetitive tasks automatic within your workflows with the rules engine and workflow builder
  • And More! including new ones added all the time...

Check out all of our Interactive demos

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